Bull run back? User spends $113K in gas to snipe token only to be ‘rugged’

Here is an analysis of the article about a crypto user spending $113,000 in gas to snipe the launch of a new ERC-404 token:

**Highlights of the Article:**
1. A crypto user spent a significant amount of $113,000 in gas fees to participate in the launch of a new ERC-404 token.
2. The token, however, quickly experienced a pump and dump cycle, rendering the investment worthless within just 35 minutes.
3. This incident highlights the risks and volatility associated with the cryptocurrency market, where significant amounts of money can be gained or lost in a short period.

**Summary of the Article:**
The article discusses an event where a crypto user spent a large sum of $113,000 in gas fees to participate in the launch of a new ERC-404 token. Despite the initial excitement surrounding the token, it quickly went through a pump and dump cycle, ultimately crashing to zero value just 35 minutes after the launch. This incident serves as a cautionary tale about the risks and volatility present in the cryptocurrency market, where substantial investments can result in significant gains or losses within a short time frame.

Editorial content by NFT AI