USD 30,000 worth Rewards given back to the Community and many More to come — Creator’s Interview

Chris: What is the storyline of the gameplay? 

JuJu Devils team: JuJu Devils are there to save the JuJuverse. Bad JuJu Devils come to battle and chase JuJu Devils away. Story develops so far as below.

Welcome to the JuJuverse: A beautiful land which once used to be full of nothing but treasures and riches, now covered throughout with an unknown substance called bad JuJu, destroying the beauty of the land. 

Many, many moons ago, a disastrous earthquake released a mystical substance from the depths with mysterious consequences. Unknown to anyone, this substance was fusing itself with age-old Bad JuJu around the areas it manifested, mutating and forming into a horde of 8,000 JuJu Devils (JDs) & 1800 of these JuJu Devils have now being found and settled into the JuJuverse.

Once the JDs take their time and set-up camp, they’ll be able to summon Good JuJu to nullify the Bad JuJu covering the land and reduce it to JuJu crystals, which are valuable and could be traded for riches.

Bad JuJu Devils

Long before the JuJu Devils come to be as they inevitably will into the JuJuverse, another smaller, yet significant Bad JuJu infusion will take place. The beings that are created by these phenomena will be a few steps behind JuJu Devils in their evolutionary process, and they will lack a sense of community as well as the ability to build civilisations. They will also spawn with more prominent Bad JuJu characteristics.

Unlike JuJu Devils, these beings will start wandering off in small groups or on their own as they are spawned and spend a life of hiding or isolation. They will soon be forgotten as a race. But as time goes by and JuJu Devils come to be, these pre-evolutionary beings will start to find each other in the background and will end up raising their own army to fight against JuJu Devils in order to retain their existence according to their basic instincts.

These beings will soon come to be known as “Bad JuJu Devils.”

What the JuJu Devils are unaware of in the beginning of this war, they will later realise while fighting; that these Bad JuJu Devils have a higher and more quality gene-pool, but one that’s overpowered and drowned by the Bad JuJu characteristics.

As the battles between the Devils continue, through fight and sacrifice, the JuJu Devils will end up finding a way to convert and transform the Bad JuJu Devils to something completely different to what they are.

These newly transformed beings will be superior to the rest of the Devils and will surpass the power of two JuJu Devils and a Bad JuJu Devil combined.

Elder JuJu Devils…. That’s what they will come to be known as…

There have been rumours that more, unidentified Bad JuJu beings and objects are out there. The JDs will be able to unveil and uncover these secrets as they progress in time and action over the phases.

Chris: Moreover, how do the Bad Juju Devils interact in the game? What are the powers and how do they move forward in the gameplay?

JuJu Devils team: Bad JuJu Devils will be integrated into PVP gameplay in JuJuverse. (battlegrounds & Arena) Bad JuJu Devils will also be used to burn with JuJu Devils to create Elder JuJu Devils (who would also be a playable character in JuJuverse

Chris: So, how many tokens of Bad Juju Devils will be released on the metaverse? What is the date of release?

JuJu Devils team: 1250 Bad JuJu Devils. Some of them may appear as in game events for the community to grab for free later on. Bad JuJu Devils mint is on 30th March 2022 – 4 PM UTC

Chris: Surely, the Juju tribe is mean. What are the different traits and characteristics of the Juju Devils that make each one of them unique?

JuJu Devils team: Bad JuJu Devils are mean. But JuJu Devils are fierce but civilized. 

JuJu Devils – 6 Tribes.

  • The First-Born Tribe

The first devil to spawn in JuJuverse was of the First-Born Tribe. They have a vast knowledge of the JuJuverse compared to the other devil tribes and the First-Borns are said to have used this wisdom to mechanise their suits.

  • The Naga Tribe

Born in the liquid-covered areas of JuJuverse, the Naga Tribe are born with amphibian abilities. They are way more versatile than the rest of the tribes when it comes to anything submerged. The one tribe the Naga does not see eye-to-eye with is the Agni Tribe.

  • The Agni Tribe

Spawned with a flame inside them, located in the dead-fire pits of JuJuverse, these beings have full of undirected rage deep within them. The Agni tribe are an overall peaceful tribe even though they do not agree with how the Naga tribe see things.

  • The Gira Tribe

Light-bodied and agile by nature, the Gira tribe’s spawn areas are still unknown. Their hard, scale-covered body has an extreme level of resistance, and it is heard that they might have the knowledge of flight within them yet to be discovered.

  • The Makara Tribe

Known for their brute strength and utmost bravery, these beings also carry a high sense of nobility within them. Also known as the ‘dragon-spawned’, the Makara tribe would be the tribe you would expect to lead you to victory in battle by just pressing forward with their sheer strength.

  • The Illumni Tribe

Said to be the most mysterious tribe in JuJuverse, these beings are famous for using the magic infused within to self-sustain. How they got their abilities, no one knows. What they do with their abilities, no one knows. Would they be bringing in great weight into the JuJuverse…? Yes, that we know!

Bad JuJu Devils – 3 Tribes.

  • The Magamaru

The Magamaru Tribe goes through their ritual of “binding” whilst they are still very infant to JuJuverse. They wrap themselves with bandages up to their necks which have Runes drawn on the inner sides. This ritual is said to give them the ability of gaining control over their life-force and binding it with their bodies, and releasing it at their own will. Hence, unless the Magamaru are overpowered and killed by force, they could probably outlive the whole of JuJuverse. Call them the infiltration specialists if you like, since their renowned ability is Mind-Control. The Magamaru mostly stay isolated and by themselves, often preying on the lone traveller or adventurer by waiting patiently in their path and Mind-Controlling them as they see fit. You encounter a Magamaru in battle, you would probably wonder why you are trying to kill yourself!

  • The Ulkuru

Being probably the top Bad JuJu Devils out there strength-wise, this tribe can take a hit, literally. That actually is their main intention as well! The Ulkuru have a special ability known as the ‘Devil’s Cry’, which taunts their enemies within the range to attack them willingly, or unwillingly. Why do they use ‘Devil’s Cry’ and bring harm their way themselves you ask? Because of the ability they are said to have, which is skilfully re-arranging their skeletal structure to transform their bodies into weapons itself. The only way you might survive the Ulkuru would be if you were tougher than the Ulkuru you face, so that you just might survive its ‘Devil’s Cry’!

  • The Djirrun

Yes they are as fierce as they look, and their style of battle is a bit different from the others. It is said that these Bad JuJu Devils are equipped with such vast willpower and intimidation, their enemies are seen more often than not running away from the battle screaming in fear. Some are struck with fear paralysis where they cannot move at all, and end up being a pretty easy kill for the Djirrun. Not many beings in the JuJuverse can stand face-to-face with the Djirrun and walk away from a battle safely. So be afraid, be VERY afraid!

Chris: The Good Jujus will soon Battle the Bad Juju Devils and transform most of them into Elder JuJu Devils. What is the plan for the future? How does the Juju world expand in terms of the NFT collection? In other words, do we see a future of Juju Devils’ breeding?

JuJu Devils team: Yes. But the breeding mechanism is called “Summoning” 

Based on the time spent on the land/crypt the JuJu Devils will be able gain ‘Timeless Gems’ (TYME). These TYME gems are needed to cast the spell of summoning new JuJu Devils into the JuJuverse. These new Devils will also automatically belong to one of the six main tribes. However, if two or more JuJu Devils have been in the same land/crypt – the summoned JuJu Devil will have a Tribe assigned randomly based on who was there at the time of summoning.

Chris: Similarly, do you have any plans of introducing staking and merchandising the Juju Devils?

JuJu Devils team: Yes. Staking is already live for the JuJu Devils Genesis collection. 

Merchandising will be introduced later on once the JuJuverse game is deployed, in its in-game store. Players will be able to purchase these items by spending $SNS (essence – in-game utility token) the JuJu Crystals they earn in the game.

Chris: The team of Juju Devils is fully doxed. Who is there on the core team? How did each one of you contribute to building Jujuverse?

JuJu Devils team: Yes we are fully doxed and gone through KYC verification with Civic Key. (

Our Team’s Descriptions are as below.

  • JuJu | Chieftain

I’m an Ex-IBMer with experience working in multiple multinationals, I’m the guy behind the numbers who put the team together. We’re super keen for what’s in store, and look forward to getting to know you. Finance is my forte & numbers is my game – so that’s one thing you can depend on. I have CPA, ACMA, ACA & an MBA to back this up. Currently I’m into Data analytics & visualization. I’ve spent countless hours on DotA when it was on Warcraft, DotA 2 and participated & won in local championships, ranked ‘Legendary’ in Call of Duty Mobile: Season 2-6 when we were in lockdown!

  • JuJu | Beezlebub

Self-proclaimed Blockchain Nerd. I’ve worked as a team lead and as a member of the international development team in Clevertech LLC and 99X. I’ve previously also worked in large distributed systems and highly scalable architecture.

First Class B.Eng.Software Engineering (University of Staffordshire)Distinction in MSc.Advanced Software Engineering (University of Westminster)

Experience in NET Core, Node, GIS, Game Development in Unity and UE4.

Have launched a bunch of games on iOS and Android as well

  • JuJu | Supreme Being

Yo! So I handle all things marketing-related, and am also the Lore Creator for the JuJuverse. Passionate about gaming and scripting, creating the lore has been a very unique and special experience for me and I plan to keep continuing to build the JuJuverse with what is in my mind! I’ve previously handled and led marketing for global brands like Ford and Kinglong and have a Bachelors Double Major in Marketing and Business Management. A hardcore gamer, I’m the proud ex-captain of a leading DoTA team in my home base. Love a good boogie and pumpin’ out some doof-y tunes when I can, so if you listening to the tunes in our server, that’s probably me! 

  • JuJu | Harbinger

I’m the man behind the mask. Creating each faction of these Devils has been a labour of love, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed bringing them to life. I was formerly part of the HSBC Design Team, winning the Team Player award in 2015. Graduating with Distinction from my Visual Communications degree, I went onto gain 14 years of industry experience. 

-SAARC Foundation Scholarship Holder (2010)

-HSBC.COM (Global) Website Interface Designer (2015)

Chris: In the end, please describe the minting process to the readers? Do you also have any limits to minting?

JuJu Devils team: There will be no limit for mints. Minting will be held in our website which is fully secured, and we will update the mint site link on our discord server’s official links channel close to mint.

Whitelist members will get a 10% discount on their mint from the mint price compared to the public mint members.

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